Photo of Frances smiling standing in front of a green plant

Speaking ๐Ÿ’ฌ

Since 2015, I've spoken at 100+ events on diverse topics ranging from driving D&I in the tech industry to community building. I've spoken extensively on various subjects, including my career journey, being a Latina engineer, women leadership, TypeScript, Progressive Web Apps, Static Site Generators, Web Design, JavaScript, and more.

Microphone 3D icon behind yellow flower background

Hire me to speak

For speaking engagements, honorariums vary based on time commitment. Panels are low-lift, while presentations with slides require more preparation.

I'm open to negotiating for community-driven or non-profit events.

You can find my bio and speaker image on my about page.

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upcoming events
Iย don't have any upcoming events right now but you're welcome to hire me to speak for an event.
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Past events

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