An Intro For CS Majors

I wrote an introductory book geared towards Computer Science majors at Hampton University. 📘

Originally started February 2015.Last updated April 2015.

For an English 218 project, my team and I decided to create two GitBooks that would serve as a sort of introduction for both Computer Science & English majors at Hampton University.We decided to separate the two majors into 2 different GitBooks:

  1. An Intro for CS Majors at HU
  2. An Intro for ENG Majors at HU

We’ll have to see how it goes but I think it has a lot of potential.

Table of Contents


Why this project?

  • This book would have been so helpful when I was starting out, so I wanted others who were in my place to at least have a smoother process when it comes to integrating to their new college environment.

Update April 6, 2015 for CS GitBook

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