Angel Riera

It’s Angel! First day of Senior Phase at Fullstack. It’s been crazy as hell, but I’ve learned so much in the past six weeks. Thanks again for all the help!

Video chatted to give advice on the application process for Fullstack Academy and how to prep.

Video Chat 1 - February 10, 2016

Preparing for Fullstack Academy, .5 hours

Update 1 - April 8, 2016

I don’t know if you remember me but we Skyped a while ago. You were nice enough to let me ask you questions and get advice on the application process for Fullstack. I went into the admissions process with way more confidence and I got in!

So thank you, you were extremely helpful.

Video Chat 2 - April 13, 2016

Fullstack Academy resources, 1 hour

Update 2 - June 6, 2016

It’s Angel! First day of Senior Phase at Fullstack. It’s been crazy as hell, but I’ve learned so much in the past six weeks. Thanks again for all the help!

Update 3 - July 19, 2016

It’s Angel again and I just graduated from FSA this past Friday. I made it! Again I can’t thank you enough for prepping me for the admissions process and all your help since then. This was one of the most challenging and satisfying 3 months I’ve experienced. I’m currently doing a whole bunch of coding kata, reviewing some Junior Phase material, and applying to jobs. Let me know when you’re in the city so we can go to a meetup and maybe even go grab a bite! Thanks again for everything !

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