Tech Queens podcast (2019–2020) empowered women of color in tech by sharing their stories, advice, and experiences.
Update: This page is no longer applicable since Tech Queens ended (March 2019 to March 2020).
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to be on the podcast - I really appreciate it. 💛
Below, I outline everything you need to know as a future interviewee for the #TechQueens podcast!
Feel free to share this with other women of color in tech who you think might be interested.
Make sure to have the other action items completed before booking the recording session!
If you’re interested in being on Tech Queens, contact me via my website or connect with me through LinkedIn.
To schedule our episode recording, we first need to set up a 30-minute chat to discuss logistics and any question you might have.
Once we are connected through LinkedIn, I will send you over the link to book the initial 30 minute chat which would be
During this chat, I’ll go over the episode format, action items and be able to answer any questions, comments or concerns you might have.
You can specify through the Calendly platform if you want to chat either online or in-person at Slack’s HQ if you’re based in San Francisco.
The questions I will ask will be something along the lines of this:
FYI, the Google Doc will always have the most updated list of these questions.
I want listeners to come away with useful takeaways so I will always ask these questions at the end.
Feelings are great, stories are better
Feel free to get specific about your experiences and provide examples on what you’re talking about
Try to define any industry specific terms you use
It’s okay to use jargon but we just want to make sure no one is left out of the conversation
You are welcome to use profanity but I recommend not forcing it.
Just speak in whatever way makes you feel the most comfortable.
Try to breathe through your nose and not through your mouth as this interferes with the audio.
If you do need to catch your breath, no worries! Just let me know so then I can edit it out later.
I also recommend educating yourself a little bit on “crutch words” and how you can avoid them.
I use crutch words myself quite a lot so it’s alright if you do use them but even so, just being aware of what they are can help a lot.
If you want to record in person, the next section isn’t relevant and I will provide more details when we chat.
ACTION ITEM After the initial chat, you can book the actual recording session using
For remote sessions, we will be using Zoom.
For in-person sessions, arrival instructions will be included instead.
Create your avatar using the avataaars generator using the transparent background setting.
This avatar will be used to create the banner like the one below for the episode banner.
ACTION ITEM Send me the SVG file of your finished avatar
I will feature this image in the episode link so everyone can see your lovely face!
ACTION ITEM Send me this image and please make sure it’s at least 1000 pixels in width.
ACTION ITEM Make a copy of this Google Doc and share your copy with me so that I also have edit access.
This Google Doc contains the intro template, pre-defined questions, mini-takeaway questions and the outro.
You are more than welcome to edit this doc to your heart’s desire since I want you to be in control of the conversation as well!
We will be recording the session using Zoom.
Have headphones and a good mic ready.
If you don’t have a dedicated mic, that’s okay but if you wanted to invest in one, I recommend the Blue Snowball mic.
Find a place that is comfortable and quiet so there’s little to no background noise.
We want to make sure there is little interference with our voices so our listeners can have a pleasant experience.
Try to connect to the internet via Ethernet if you can.
Or if you’re using WiFi, try to be as physically close to the router as possible.
ACTION ITEM Share the news that you’ll be on the podcast on your social media platforms.
You can find image assets and social media templates below.
You don’t have to use these but this way, you have something to go off of!
All the templates are under 280 characters so that it can be shared across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.
265 characters
I will be recording an episode for #TechQueens, a podcast that focuses on stories and advice shared by women of color in tech. 🎙️
If you also identify as a woman of color in tech, check out the website so you can share your story too. 💛
270 characters
Just finished recording an episode for #TechQueens, a podcast that focuses on stories and advice shared by women of color in tech. 🎙️
If you also identify as a woman of color in tech, check out the website so you can share your story too. 💛
274 characters
My episode for #TechQueens was just released! 🎉
In this episode, I talked about my career path and shared advice for those new to tech. 🎙️
If you also identify as a woman of color in tech, check out the website so you can share your story too. 💛
Here are two images you can use for social media posts with their URLs below.
You probably won’t need them since including the website on social media will automatically show the first banner from the website meta tags.
Feel free to buy swag from the Tech Queens Shop to commemorate this momentous occasion!
The avatar images were created using avataaars generator.
The design assets can be downloaded using this Figma link.
The crown emoji 👑 is attributed to Twitter. Copyright 2018 Twitter, Inc and other contributors. Graphics licensed under CC-BY 4.0:
Music by Jukedeck - create your own at