Code Nation Impact Report Highlights

Featured in Code Nation's annual impact report for my participation as a hackathon judge.

For my participation with Code Nation as a hackathon judge and Bay Area leadership council member, I was highlighted in their annual impact report.


Hackathon Judge

As a judge in one of Code Nation's Hackathons, I was mentioned by them in their highlights for 2020.

The experience was delightful!

Quote by Frances Coronel, found on
Code the Movement art

Code Nation’s Hackathon themes this year were "Code the Movement" and "Code Nation Combats COVID"! Projects ranged from climate change, immigration, equal rights, to other social justice causes. The “Code Nation Combats COVID” Hackathon was 100% virtual, the very first in Code Nation history! Students from coast to coast took on the challenge of designing a unique web app to create a positive impact in light of COVID-19! At Code Nation, we believe in the power of youth voices to code the future, create positive impacts, and inspire movements!

Bay Area Leadership Council


Code Nation 2019 to 2020 — Annual Report

page 5 + page 14 + page 21

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