Contact Sales Form

Lead developer and maintainer for the Contact Sales form which is one of the largest drivers of lead generation on

Lead developer and maintainer for the Contact Sales form which is one of the largest drivers of lead generation on

Table of contents


From 2021

  • 2nd most popular page visited by sales leads creators
  • 11K+ unique leads
  • 600K+ visits
  • 99.7% success rate on the first attempt
  • $60M+ in pipeline revenue generated
  • ~90% of all marketing pipeline revenue comes from, and ~80% of that is from this form


Accelerate the impact of our global sales teams through demand generation and pipeline maturing programs that drive sales contacts.

Target Audience

Decision-makers for companies of 250+ employees

Versions & Experiments


  • Honeypot
  • Instantaneous field validation
  • Localization of customer quotes and logos
  • Autofill fields
  • Custom thank you page
  • Conditional routing logic
  • Component-based standardization
  • Conditional logic for country + state field
  • Supports multiple forms


Relevant Files

  • FE
  • Template
  • Page
  • marketing/templates/xhp/pages/contact-sales/page-contact-sales.php
  • Form
  • marketing/templates/xhp/includes/forms/form-contact-sales.php
  • JavaScript
  • marketing/js/modern/pages/contact-sales.js
  • Styling
  • marketing/style/page_contact_sales.source.less
  • Images
  • marketing/img/contact-sales
  • BE
  • Controller
  • webapp/controllers/contact_sales.php
  • Routing
  • include/routing/routers/dotcom_router.php
  • Rate Limiting
  • include/quota/config.php



Form submissions pipe to Salesforce by default.


  • If company size is 100 or less, it also pipes to Zendesk and is marked as not sales qualified when sent to Salesforce
  • Unless they need a compliance plan or have a product question


[first_name] => Frances
[last_name] => Coronel
[country_option] => United States
[state] => California
[company] => Slack
[company_size_option] => 10,001+
[department] => Sales
[Title] => Contributor
[phone] => (123) 456-7891
[sales_team_help_option] => I have a product question
[comments] =>
[marketing_notice_checkbox] =>
[marketing_notice_language] =>
[privacy_notice_checkbox] =>
[privacy_notice_language] => By clicking “Submit,” I acknowledge receipt of the Slack Privacy Policy.
[source_id] => 85286f20-ab6a-48c5-a67c-8a65d5841060
[source_name] => Slack Webforms
[requires_sales_follow_up] =>
[session_id] => e2541f98d832f7eb456991b135de4064.1640211743
[team_id] => anonymous_at_1640211847
[user_id] => anonymous_at_1640211847
[visitor_id] => e2541f98d832f7eb456991b135de4064
[host_variant] => commercial
[campaign_id] => 701f1000002zYCWAA2
[placement] =>
[referral_url] =>
[utm_campaign] =>
[utm_content] =>
[utm_medium] =>
[utm_source] =>
[utm_term] =>
[optimizely_dna__Visitor_Id__c] =>
[is_test_record] => 1
[locale] => en-US
[submission_time] => 1640211847
[url] =><>




January 2021

  • [In Progress] New dynamic company segments based on sub-regions

December 2021

  • Adding state field experiment
  • Piping all submissions to SFMC as well as Zendesk in certain conditions experiment

October 2021

  • Form standardized using new form library

September 2021

  • Added in consent fields to all forms

July 2021

  • Consent fields added in for compliance

August 2020

  • Updated flow shared for Pardot team

May 2020

  • Replace the "101-400" company size option with "101-250" and "251-400" on all sales forms globally (all other options >101 and <400 should remain as is)
  • Update routing for regions outside US + Canada so they go to CE/Zendesk if the company size is 0-250
  • Spike in form errors - turns out there was a spammer
  • Added in more strict rate limiting and backend validation
  • Form launched across all locales
  • Added localized logos + quotes
  • Any region that does not have specific logos/quotes, should default to the US version

April 2020

  • Revamp of Contact Sales Form launched
  • Added autofill, rate-limiting, honeypot, smart routing to Zendesk or Salesforce depending on answers, custom thank you page

December 2018

  • Contact Sales Form launched

August 2018

  • Project channel created

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