🌐 https://coronorcal.org/program/exploring-leadership/
This summer, Coro’s Exploring Leadership Youth Program will train 16 bright, motivated Bay Area High School students to be active citizens and leaders in our community.A key component of the program is their introductory group project exploring a community and discovering the “logic” of that community - essentially, what makes it tick.Exploring Leadership (EL) is a transformative summer program that trains high school students to become active citizens and assume leadership roles in their communities. Through a set of Coro modules, the program increases Youth Fellows’ abilities in critical thinking and goal setting, ultimately giving them the skills to become effective facilitators and collaborators for community change.“Today the Exploring Leadership 2019 cohort met with our Women In Leadership alum Frances Coronel, a software engineer at Slack, to discuss tech’s influence in the SoMa as part of their logic study research.”