Episode 8. Pia Zaragoza

In this episode, I'm talking with Pia Zaragoza who is a Senior UX Researcher at a large financial institution.

🌐 https://www.linkedin.com/in/piazaragoza/




Pia Zaragoza

Mini Takeaways

#AppAdvice: What is a useful app or platform that has helped you grow in your career?

Axis360 - Axis 360 gives library and school users the ability to search, browse and discover ebooks and/or digital audiobooks available for lending through their public library or school with ease.

#LearnThatTerm: What does the term the 5 whys mean to you?

What it’s all about is just asking why 5 times and by doing that, you can really get to the intent of what someone is trying to say.

#Friendlies: What is an organization or affinity group that you would recommend joining?

#A11Y - Global Awareness Accessibility Day

#GrowYourNetwork: Where do you live online or how can people reach out to you?

Episode Description

Hello and welcome to the Tech Queens podcast, a podcast focused on featuring stories and advice from women of color in tech. 👑In this episode, I’m talking with Pia Zaragoza who is a Senior UX Researcher at a large financial institution.References and links can be found on the website here at techqueenspod.com/episode-8.If you’re interested in being on the podcast yourself, check out the Tech Queens episode format page for more details on how you can get started.It doesn’t matter where you are in your tech journey - whether you’ve been in tech for months or decades - I want to hear from you and I want to share your story.Music from Jukedeck - create your own at jukedeck.comAvatar created using the avataaars generator

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