Fullstack Academy - Awesome Web Dev Tips & Tricks

I created this deck as a resource for other Fullstack Academy students while I was a student there myself.

This deck served to aid students ramp up their dev environment while studying at Fullstack Academy.https://www.slideshare.net/FVCproductions/2015-0618-awesome-web-dev-tips-amp-tricks-fullstack-academy

1. Making Sublime Sexy

Let’s start by installing Package Control!

To note.. ST3 > WebStorm > Vim.

Package Control

The de facto Sublime Text package manager with over 2,500 packages available for installation, all available in GitHub or BitBucket repos.

Installing Package Control

Go here: https://packagecontrol.io/installation

Installing Packages

⌘ ⇧ PCommand + Shift + P

Installing a Certain Package

Enter To Install The Highlighted Package & You’re Done!


To make your dev environment purty.

Installing Themes

This article basically covers everything.So basically… use the Package Manager.Make sure to include the code in your User Settings file which can be found under Sublime Text > Preferences > Settings - User.For example, if you installed the Theme ITG Flat, then this is how you would modify your User Settings file to have the dark version of the theme and color scheme.These instructions will be in the Theme’s documentation on their GitHub repo.


"color-scheme": "Packages/Theme - itg.flat/itg.dark.tmTheme",

"theme": "itg.flat.dark.sublime-theme"


Magical Packages

You’re a wizard now.

Also, some of these just work with ST3.

Bracket Highlighter

Matches a variety of cases such as [], {}, (), "", '', <tag></tag>, and even custom brackets.


Shows an icon in the gutter area indicating whether a line has been inserted, modified, or deleted.


Shows where possible syntax errors could be.For JavaScript (JSHint), go here.For more JS stuff, go here.

HTML-CSS-JS Prettify

Prettify your code.

Markdown Editing

Powerful editing features for all you Markdown lovers.


Autocomplete file naming for lazy people.

Sublime CodeIntel

Full featured code intelligence and smart autocomplete engine.

Sidebar Enhancements

Makes your sidebar more powerful.


Insight, motivation, and benchmarking for programmers.

Want more?

Learn from the best of the best.Seriously, there’s an entire series from the Google Developers YouTube team dedicated to cool plugins.

2. Messing with the Terminal

If you want to feel like a hacker just because though, go here and start typing away!

Creating Aliases in Terminal/iTerm

Type in nano .bash_profile.Then type in alias [insert alias name here] = "cd ~/[insert path here]".i.e. alias cdfsa = "cd ~/Dropbox/GitHub/FSA"Make sure to restart your terminal after you add the alias(es).

No more sudo.

Type this in your Terminal app so you don’t have to type sudo before every npm install command.sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.npmThis may not work in Zsh.

Add subl to open files in Terminal using Sublime Text 3

Type this in your Terminal app so you can open files in ST3.ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl" /usr/local/bin/sublimeSourceThis doesn’t work with ST2.

“Bada**ify” your terminal & shell with oh-my-zsh

Wes Bos also has a Command Line Power User YouTube Playlist!

A Random Cool Bash Profile


Add syntax highlighting to command line Mongo queries.

MongoDB Shell Enhancements

3. Cool OSX Apps

Because we all need some power tools in our lives.

Categories Design, Development, Productivity



Keep your Mac awake.


Makes the color of your computer’s display adapt to the time of day.


API Documentation Browser & Code Snippet Manager


Reset your Launchpad to the default layout.

Alfred 2

A more powerful version of Spotlight.


Convert any image to various number of formats.


Make. Publish. Share.Screencasts made easy.

GitHub’s Student Developer Pack

The best developer tools, free for students.


Change your Mac icons.


Color picker in your menu bar.


A beautiful ambient sound app that allows you to concentrate on the work at hand.


The free version of BetterSnapTool (see Paid).


Configure many gestures for your Magic Mouse, Macbook Trackpad, Magic Trackpad, and even mouse gestures.

GitHub Desktop

An all new, unified GitHub desktop.


Customize your dock.


A shell-centric cross-platform open source MongoDB management tool.


A better way to organize GitHub repos & Devs.



Organize your Mac menu bar apps. $15


Pretty self-explanatory, but it’s basically repl.it except not online. $14.99

Marked 2

Advanced Markdown Preview.Works great if you edit your .md files in Sublime Text. $9.99


The mother of all password managers. $49.99


Window snapping done right.At least until El Capitan incorporates it. $1.99


Like Flux, but more powerful. $0.99


Basically reminds you to take a break. $3.99

Flavours 2 Lite

Customize the look of your Mac.Free for 5 days. Then, $5.To Note: Once El Capitan comes out, you can’t customize your Mac anymore which is kind of a bummer.

iStat Menus 5

An advanced Mac system monitor for your menu bar.Free for 14 days. Then, $18.


A Mac App for Cool People.Helps you build websites faster & better. $32


A premier text editor targeted for front-end web developers. $99


Lightweight yet powerful IDE perfectly equipped for complex client & server side development using Node.FREE for students. A single license is $99.Highly recommended by Joseph Alves, one of the instructors here at Fullstack Academy.


Version control with Git - made easy. In a beautiful efficient, and powerful app. $59


The ultimate REST client for Mac. $29.99

4. Nifty Chrome Extensions

Because CHROME.

Goodies for GitHub

  • GitHub Awesome Autocomplete
  • GitHub Expandinizer
  • GitHub Mate
  • GitHub Hoverscope


Browse the Internet webz like Jay-Z.


Validate and view JSON documents.

Postman - REST Client

Supercharge your API workflow.Among other things.


Create gorgeous code snapshots within seconds.

5. Wicked Websites

Product Hunt has all the best ones, but hey.


This is the go to place for anyone who has an idea and wants to build their own app. Real skills for real world projects.


Use this to manage your projects on GitHub. Fullstack Academy uses this too!


Share and discover the best programming tutorials and courses online.


A typing tutor/trainer for programmers. The lessons are based on open-source code, allowing you to practice with code used in the real world.


Fun things to do in your free time.

AKA What do I do on the weekends if I have energy left?

Attend tech Meetups

Join groups such as Code Crew, Fullstack JavaScript, Google NYC Tech Talks, NY Tech Meetup, Women Who Code NYC, etc. in the NYC.

Earn honor and rank up on Codewars.

If you get to 4 kyu, you get a free t-shirt from Fullstack. :P

Participate in Hackathons

Check out Hackathon IO for upcoming local hackathons.

Become a warrior through CodeCombat

If you’re into gaming, then you can learn JavaScript as you defeat ogres, solve mazes, and level up.

Start writing technical posts or just blogging in general.

Reflecting is always nice.There’s plenty of options out there: Ghost, Tumblr, Wordpress, Jekyll, Medium, etc.

Work on side projects

“The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life.” - J. Hische

Other Awesome Resources

  • SetUI Icons
  • Quick Look Plugins
  • Homebrew & Cask
  • Thoughtbot Dev Environment Setup
  • Awesome Lists
  • Have Dropbox? Sync your ST3 settings with Dropbox!


Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free!

  • Content by FVCproductions
  • Presentation template by SlidesCarnival
  • Photographs by Unsplash
  • Contributions by Fullstackers

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