FVCproductions - Logo Redesign

A new sleek look for my brand. 🍫🍓

So with my past logo, a lot of folks would mistake it for a heart.That was officially a big issue for me so I decided it was time for a brand new logo.Ergo, I’ve redesigned the chocolate dipped strawberry that I love so much.With my new logo, I was inspired by Google’s Material Design to re-design my logo to be flat and simple. I wanted to make sure everybody got the idea this time around.It uses Material Colors and was designed in Sketch.

For wallpapers or covers on my sites, I can now also use this redesigned wallpaper from Prometheus that is also inspired by Google’s Material Design principles.

FVCproductions is a freelancing company providing technical mentorship, client services, and speaking engagements.…FVCproductions is the personal brand of Frances Coronel and it’s been used since 2013 to identify her work across the interwebs.Starting in April 2015, Frances started working with her first client and introduced FVCproductions as a freelancing company that aims to mentor folks and helps small clients with their branding, web design, or web development.Frances has a lot of relevant experience mentoring/tutoring folks of all ages in tech-related topics and has been freelancing at affordable costs to small-scale clients since 2015.All in all, FVCproductions is how Frances is trying to give back to the community by providing the following services:

  • Freelance design, development, & blogging 🤝
  • One-on-one mentoring sessions for potential coding bootcamp students 😊
  • Speaking engagements at tech events 💬
  • Supporting amazing open-source projects

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