Meetup Dice

A simple Node.js application for picking a random RSVP'd member from a Meetup.

So for my Norfolk.js Meetup group, they like to give out prizes through a raffle every Meetup. The method they used was messy with a simple console application (I think). Anyway, I just wanted a better visual experience for choosing a random person to give a prize to.Right now, unfortunately, this web app just works for the Meetup groups I’m a part of but eventually, I’d like to be able to use the Meetup API to get it to work for anybody’s Meetup profile.Full credit goes to the contributors below who originally created the app. It had a pretty rough layout though so I made a lot of visual changes.Basically, it’s simple Node.js application for picking a random RSVP’d member from a Meetup.

Meetup Dice

Pick a random person!


MEETUP_API_KEY=1234567890 node web.js


To deploy on Heroku with your API key (which will publicly display all of your Meetups):

heroku apps:create my-app-name

git push heroku master

heroku config:set MEETUP_API_KEY=1234567890



GitHub Repo

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