Monarchs Hack The Campus

Join us as we build apps, hardware, and community in Silicon Harbor. Yeah, we'll be hacking for 36 hours straight, but we'll take a chill pill or two. And whether you're a seasoned veteran or just getting started, we've got your back​ every step of the way.


Monarchs Hack the Campus


Old Dominion University


Strome Entrepreneurial Center - Old Dominion University - Norfolk, VA


February 26th to 28th, 2016




For an upcoming hackathon at ODU dubbed Monarchs Hack the Campus, I acted as a volunteer and helped create the event website as well as help in-person.For the annual Old Dominion University dubbed Monarchs Hack the Campus, I helped out as volunteer by creating banners and re-designing the website and registration Typeform.Monarchs Hack the Campus Old Dominion University February 2016 Credits go to Michelle Graham for ODU Cat GraphicFor an upcoming hackathon at ODU dubbed Monarchs Hack the Campus, I’m acting as a volunteer and am already helping out with some pretty big tasks.




Completed January 31st
  • branding created 4 new banners using Sketch and existing logo (credits to Michelle Graham for the logo)
  • the actual website completely redesigned from the bottom up to have a nice look and feel based on an HTML5UP template
  • registration redesigned and made some minor changes to the configuration for the Typeform used as registration for those interested in attending the hackathon
I was a volunteer
I helped design banners
I helped develop the website

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