Peter Weyland At TED2023

Peter Weyland has been a magnet for controversy since he announced his intent to build the first convincingly humanoid robotic system by the end of the decade.

Peter Weyland has been a magnet for controversy since he announced his intent to build the first convincingly humanoid robotic system by the end of the decade.Peter Weyland at TED2023: I will change the world (Full Length TEDTalk) [HD 1080p] from Anton Volkov on Vimeo.Peter Weyland has been a magnet for controversy since he announced his intent to build the first convincingly humanoid robotic system by the end of the decade.Whether challenging the ethical boundaries of medicine with nanotechnology or going toe to toe with the Vatican itself on the issue of gene-therapy sterilization, Sir Peter prides himself on his motto, “If we can, we must.” After a three-year media blackout, Weyland has finally emerged to reveal where he’s heading next. Wherever that may be, we will most certainly want to follow.Conceived and designed by Ridley Scott and Damon Lindelof and directed by Luke Scott.

Probably the most amazing video on the Internet.

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