QCO Tech Conference Diversity Panel

Invited to discuss my experience of diversity in tech alongside other industry professionals for a Google Student Developer Club conference.

  1. Conference Description
  2. Conference Agenda
  3. Audience
  4. Panelists
  5. Format
  6. Questions
  7. Website
  8. Videos
  9. Pictures

Conference Description

This one-day conference is a collaboration event by three different GDSCs: Queen's University, Carleton University, and the University of Ottawa (QCO).

The focus of this conference is to foster spaces of collaboration and making connections while also highlighting the challenges of gender diversity in the field.

The entirety of the conference will be held via Zoom.

This conference is composed of three main events:

1. An imposter syndrome workshop - The workshop will focus on identifying imposter syndrome and equipping individuals with some tools to combat it. It will also highlight imposter syndrome in minority groups, specifically gender minorities.

2. A diversity panel - For the panel, we will be joined by four industry panelists who will discuss their experiences of being in the industry and diversity in the industry.

3. A networking session - Attendees will have the opportunity to connect and chat with industry professionals and other attendees as we finish the conference with a networking session.

Conference Agenda

1:00 PM

Opening Ceremony

Welcome from the co-hosts Becca VanDrunen and Sanaa Syed, and then a run-through of the schedule for the afternoon.

1:15 PM

Imposter Syndrome Workshop

Imposter syndrome workshop led by Alex Radu and Queen's University.

2:15 PM


A short break in between events.

2:20 PM

Diversity Panel

Diversity panel, with four industry panelists answering questions about diversity in the tech field, hosted by Carleton University.

3:20 PM


A short break in between events.

3:30 PM

Networking Session

A networking session to help attendees connect with industry professionals, set up by UOttawa.

5:00 PM

Closing Ceremonies

Closing statements from the co-hosts Becca VanDrunen and Sanaa Syed.


Freshman/sophomore undergrad students


  • Zuri Godfrey: Associate Product Marketing Manager at Google and Founder of Build & Brand You, 
  • Shafina Hassam: Manager, Modern Workplace at BDO Canada, 
  • Frances Coronel: Software Engineer at Byteboard
  • Marlow Payne: Development Manager at Shopify.


Carleton Rep will introduce panelists, and then the panel will last 45 minutes with 15 minutes of Q&A


  1. Why is having diversity in tech vital to you?
  2. In your experience, where have you found the most significant gap in having more diversity in tech?
  3. What are some initiatives your organization has in place to bridge that gap?
  4. How do we mitigate the risk of discrimination and promote an inclusive work environment as workplace diversity increases?
  5. What resources are available to me when I join the workforce as an underrepresented person in tech?
  6. Are there any mentors who inspired you or helped you along your way to your current career path?
  7. How does the intersectionality of identities affect people's experience in tech?
  8. What about your experience that you find is often misunderstood by your colleagues?
  9. Any comments or advice you want to leave with our audience?
  10. What is your favorite part about working in tech?
  11. Do you think it's possible to transition from different tech industry sectors?
  12. How do you deal with impostor syndrome?
  13. If you could go back and give a younger version of yourself advice, what would you say?


Event Link





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