RIP Code School

RIP Code School, you were amazing and we had a great run.

Goodbye, my precious.

6 years ago, I started to learn how to code online. It was 2012 and I was in my senior year of high school.

Even back then, there were quite a few platforms I could choose to learn from but my favorite by far was always Code School.

The team at Code School back then not only loved Keynote as much as I did but they also offered uniquely themed interactive courses that actually felt exciting to be a part of.

Unfortunately, in June of this year, Code School will no longer be available. You see, Pluralsight acquired Code School back in January of 2015.

However, most acquisitions usually take a while to fully integrate with the parent product so here we are 3 years later.

So RIP Code School, you were amazing and we had a great run.


As a tribute to Code School, here is a screenshot of my report card.

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