
Technology Director & Board Advisor 🌮

Previously Executive Director, Board Member, Executive Director of Technology, Open Source Lead


Techqueria is a nonprofit representing the largest community for Latinx in Tech.

Table of contents

August 1st, 2019

Nonprofit brand strategy workshop with TwentyFirstCenturyBrand

July 22nd, 2019

Officially voted in as an executive director of technology! 💻

March 27th, 2019

Officially voted in as a a board member - the 9th one! Hurray! 🎉

February 18th, 2019

Techqueria granted 1Password open source team membership:

January 24th, 2019 - ERG Leads Meeting #2

Handshake - San Francisco, CA

October 30th, 2018 - ERG Leads Meeting #1

Organized through Techqueria, ERG leads are now going to start coming together!


Patreon - San Francisco, CA

November 27, 2018 - Side Hustle

October 17, 2018 - Testimonial - Phillip Ventura - Software Engineer

It’s been great to work with Frances on the site. It has become a much more collaborative open-source project with her leadership. I appreciate how she has made the project accessible to both the maintainers and new contributors. She is a great team member and I enjoy maintaining the project with her.

October 12, 2018 - Testimonial - David Silva - Señor Developer at Slingshot Health

I’ve worked with Frances on techqueria, she’s leading our website project. We develop the website as an open source project, and she’s doing a great job at coordinating the contributions from all the members, developing a roadmap, creating issues, releases, code reviews; all in a very professional manner and with amazing results. It has been a very pleasant experience working together

September 20th, 2018 - New Website Launched

After a couple of months, I was finally able to launch a new version of Techqueria’s website! 🌮

Techqueria is one of the largest Latinx in tech organizations in the US, with a presence in the Bay Area, LA, and NYC.

I helped revamp their entire website using Hugo which can be currently found at

After a couple of months, I was finally able to launch a new version of Techqueria’s website! 🎉

Slack Announcement


Home Page







Mobile View

April 24, 2018

Spent a whole weekend revamping the existing website of Techqueria using a custom Hugo boilerplate I created called Hugoma.

Still in the process of being integrated into main website at - currently at

Helped spearhead creation of #website channel in Techqueria’s Slack for more collaborative development of the new website.

Source code can be found at

August 29, 2017

Joined the Techqueria Slack Workspace


07/01/19 Hi Frances! I just wanted to reach out and give you a big thank you for all that you do for this community. I’m so excited to see Techqueria start to reach its potential, and feel empowered to see a badass chica (YOU) take the lead on so many great initiatives. I do my fair share of volunteering with other remote/tech/slack groups, and I know it is A LOT of work. Nevertheless, you are a frontrunner for all of this greatness, so thank you! - Sal Ramirez

07/21/19 Hey Frances, thanks for organizing a lot of the things within Techqueria, and for creating this wonderful community! - Dennis Chang

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