To Become A Social Media Guru Or Not?

Talks about social networking in the classroom. 🎒

The first time I applied to the VA Governor School for Math, Science, and Technology in 2010, I used an essay on “How Texting Has An Impact on Relationships 📵️”. I was rejected.

How Texting Has An Impact on Relationships 📵️

This first essay talks about the mainly negative impact of texting on relationships. This essay was finished December 13, 2010. I wrote this for an application to the VA Governor's School for MST (Math, Science, and Technology) for the following summer but alas I was not accepted.
Next year I applied again using a different essay.

This essay basically talks about social networking in the classroom.Unfortunately, even though I had tried again to get accepted, I was unable to attend the summer program.So here’s the moral of the story – write shorter essays to actually get accepted into summer gov school and then once accepted, actually fit time into schedule to be able to attend.Bam.

To become a social media guru or not?

When one thinks about future classrooms and education formatting, technology will be undoubtedly the founding basis. Let’s face it, technology has effectively become capable of controlling every aspect of life now, whether it be work, family, friends or even education. Online learning with its videos and valuable resources along with interactive approaches such as with the Wii or Kinect have shown that the traditional lecture idea has evolved into something more adaptable to the generation of today. The majority of educators today, along with myself, believe Facebook is part of the group that is helping speed that evolution process. In fact, what is starting to stem from large social websites like Facebook should never be limited to teachers. With good reason, colleges and schools are already starting to catch along with the fast growing rate of e-learning. Schools globally have made themselves more accessible to the public and their students by making themselves various groups (usually with the particular class as the group name) in Twitter and Facebook. With the inviting atmosphere Facebook offers, more collaboration is possible between teachers and pupil , not just because the student feels they can speak their mind more freely but because it can also boost teacher security when students no longer cringe at the thought of discussions and teachers can share the wealth of their knowledge in a more informal bonding manner. As for the extremely shy students that every classroom has, Facebook has the ability to give these introverts a chance to excel through online enlightenment with their teacher as well.Methods of how students and teachers use Facebook expand every day, from photo tagging to creating groups. Students have taken photos of notes or if in a science class, of their laboratory work/equipment, and have referred them in their photo albums by uploading, captioning, and sharing them through Facebook. While texting does the trick of notifications most of the time, Facebook also provides a class buddy system so students communicate with their project or study groups via the instant messaging tool. Among more obvious uses, students and teachers can also form groups for easier reference when dealing with a particular subject and receive access to assignments, activities, and updates in general on the page walls of their teachers. So not only do teachers have the ability to get a better grasp of their students’ personalities, but can also co-construct knowledge in an online format students may have more flexibility with, such as with scheduling or class notes. It is a loss for the students when the teacher doesn’t have a easy way of instant and easy feedback for their students and Facebook provides just that.It is essential that current generation make the best use of their technological abundance, not to just to make it easier for themselves, but for everyone else as well. Facebook is only the first step in the education revolution that plays itself out now.

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