
UnidosUS is the United States's largest Latino nonprofit advocacy organization.

🌐 https://conference.unidosus.org/conference_schedule.html

Sunday, August 4 at 9am — Worskhop Session — Latinas in Tech: Breaking the Digital CeilingThis conference is the largest gathering of its kind in the Hispanic community and serves as the meeting ground for thousands of community leaders, activists, and volunteers; elected and appointed officials; members of the corporate, philanthropic, and academic communities; college students; and youth.Latinas in Tech: Breaking the Digital Ceiling

The evidence is clear. A more diverse workforce leads to higher revenue for a company and more inventive teams, but despite well-intentioned diversity and inclusion initiatives, minorities and especially Latinas continue to be underrepresented in the tech industry, making up only 1% of working tech professionals. Join us for an honest conversation with Latinas who are breaking the glass ceiling in this male-dominated field to discuss their journey. How were they able to get their foot in the door? How did they find mentors? They’ll answer these questions and break down the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the field.https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6563877103362805760/

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