Useful Hugo & Bulma Snippets

A couple of useful Hugo snippets used with the Bulma CSS framework. 🧠

Speaking Engagements

<!-- Speaking Category -->

{{ $speaking := ($.Site.Taxonomies.categories.speaking).Pages }}

<!-- Upcoming Events -->

{{ $upcomingEvents := where $speaking "Date" "ge" now }}

<!-- Past Events -->

{{ $pastEvents := where $speaking "Date" "lt" now }}

<!-- Show Upcoming Events -->

{{ if (len $upcomingEvents) "ge" 1 }}


⏳️ {{ len $upcomingEvents }} Upcoming {{ if gt (len $upcomingEvents) 1

}}Events{{ else }}Event{{ end }}


<div class="columns is-multiline">

{{ range $upcomingEvents.ByDate.Reverse }}


class="column is-half-tablet is-one-third-desktop is-one-third-widescreen is-one-third-fullhd"


{{ partial "card.html" . }}


{{ end }}


{{ end }}

<!-- Show Past Events -->

<h2>⌛️ {{ len $pastEvents }} Past Events</h2>

<div class="columns is-multiline">

{{ range $pastEvents.ByDate.Reverse }}


class="column is-half-tablet is-one-third-desktop is-one-third-widescreen is-one-third-fullhd"


{{ partial "card.html" . }}


{{ end }}



{{ $regularPages := .Site.RegularPages }}

<div class="table-border-none">


✒️ I've written about {{ len $regularPages }} different things so far.


<!-- Pages -->

{{ range $regularPages.GroupByDate "2006" }}

<!-- Line Separator - Year -->

<!-- Check for No Date -->

{{ if not (eq .Key "0001") }}

<!-- Year -->

<h3>{{ .Key }}</h3>

<!-- Table -->

<table class="table">


{{ range .Pages }}


<td>{{ dateFormat "January 2" .Date }}</td>

<td><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a></td>


{{ end }}



{{ end }}

<!-- End - Range - Year -->

{{ end }}

<!-- End Message -->

{{ partial "content/list/end-message.html" . }}



{{ $currentPage := . }}

<nav class="navbar has-shadow is-spaced" role="navigation" aria-label="main navigation">

<div class="container is-fluid">

<!-- Brand -->

<div class="navbar-brand">

<!-- Logo -->

<a class="navbar-item" href="{{ "/" | absLangURL }}">

<img class="lozad" loading="lazy" data-src="/assets/img/logos/logo-square.png" src="/assets/img/logos/logo-square.png" height="128" alt="{{ .Title }}">


<!-- Left Icons -->

<!-- Hidden on Desktop, Mobile Only -->

<div class="navbar-item is-hidden-fullhd">

<div class="buttons">

{{ range }}

<a class="button is-white" href="{{ .Permalink }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">

{{ if .Identifier }}<i class="{{ .Identifier }}" alt="{{ .Name }}" title="{{ .Name }}"></i>{{ end }}


{{ end }}



<!-- Hamburger Menu -->

<a role="button" class="navbar-burger burger" aria-label="menu" aria-expanded="false" data-target="navMenu">

<span aria-hidden="true"></span>

<span aria-hidden="true"></span>

<span aria-hidden="true"></span>



<!-- Main Menu -->

<div id="navMenu" class="navbar-menu">

<div class="navbar-start">

{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}

{{ if .HasChildren }}

<div class="navbar-item has-dropdown is-hoverable">

<a class="navbar-link{{ if (eq $currentPage.Permalink .Permalink) }} is-active{{ end }}" href="{{ .Permalink | relLangURL }}">

{{ if .Identifier }}<i class="{{ .Identifier }}" alt="{{ .Name }}"></i> {{ end }}{{- .Name -}}


<div class="navbar-dropdown">

{{ range .Children }}

<a class="navbar-item{{ if (eq $currentPage.Permalink .Permalink) }} is-active{{ end }}" href="{{ .Permalink | relLangURL }}">

{{ if .Identifier }}<i class="{{ .Identifier }}" alt="{{ .Name }}"></i>{{ end }} {{ .Name }}


{{ end }}



{{ else }}

<a class="navbar-item{{ if (eq $currentPage.Permalink .Permalink) }} is-active{{ end }}" href="{{ .Permalink | absLangURL }}">

{{- if .Identifier -}}<i class="{{ .Identifier }}" alt="{{ .Name }}"></i>{{- end -}} {{ .Name }}


{{ end }}

{{ end }}


<!-- Social Icons -->

<div class="navbar-end is-hidden-touch">

<div class="navbar-item">

<div class="buttons">

{{ range }}

<a class="button is-white" href="{{ .Permalink }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">

{{ if .Identifier }}<i class="{{ .Identifier }}" alt="{{ .Name }}" title="{{ .Name }}"></i>{{ end }}


{{ end }}







Tags & Categories

{{ if or (or (.Params.tags) (.Params.categories)) }}

<!-- Taxonomy -->

<div class="columns">

<!-- Categories -->

{{ if .Params.categories }}

<div class="column">

<h3><a href="/categories/"> 📂 {{ i18n "categories" }}</a></h3>


{{ range $category := .Params.categories }}


<a href="/categories/{{ $category | urlize }}/" title="{{ $category }}">

{{ $category }}



{{ end }}



{{ end }}

<!-- Tags -->

{{ if .Params.tags }}

<div class="column">

<h3><a href="/tags/"> 📌 {{ i18n "tags" }}</a></h3>


{{ range $tag := .Params.tags }}


<a href="/tags/{{ $tag | urlize }}/" title="{{ $tag }}"> {{ $tag }} </a>


{{ end }}



{{ end }}


{{ end }}


<!-- Series -->

<!-- Add prefetch and prerender on section pages. Works especially well for articles or blog posts in a series -->

{{ if .IsPage }}

<!-- Previous Section -->

{{ if .PrevInSection }}

<link rel="prefetch" href="{{ .PrevInSection.Permalink }}" />

<link rel="prerender" href="{{ .PrevInSection.Permalink }}" />

<link rel="prev" href="{{ .PrevInSection.Permalink }}" /> {{ end }}

<!-- Next Section -->

{{ if .NextInSection }}

<link rel="prefetch" href="{{ .NextInSection.Permalink }}" />

<link rel="prerender" href="{{ .NextInSection.Permalink }}" />

<link rel="next" href="{{ .NextInSection.Permalink }}" /> {{ end }} {{ end }}

<!-- Canonical -->

<link rel="canonical" href="{{ .Permalink | safeURL }}" />

<!-- Alternative Output -->

{{ range .AlternativeOutputFormats -}} {{ printf `<link





/>` .Rel .MediaType.Type .Permalink $.Site.Title | safeHTML }} {{ end -}}

Show Posts From Specific Category

<!-- Variables -->

{{ $blog := ($ }}

<!-- Blog -->

<p>{{ len $blog}} blog posts written</p>

<div class="columns is-multiline">

{{ range $blog }} {{ if .Date.Before now }}


class="column is-half-tablet is-one-third-desktop is-one-third-widescreen is-one-third-fullhd"


{{ partial "card.html" . }}


{{ end }} {{ end }}


Table of Contents

{{- if .Params.toc }}

<aside class="menu">

<p class="menu-label">Table of Contents</p>

<div class="menu-list">

{{ .TableOfContents }}



{{- end }}

Param Date

{{ $recDate := time .Params.recordingDate }}

<!-- Recording Date -->

{{- if .Params.recordingDate }}

<p class="has-text-weight-light u-margin-top--sm u-margin-bottom--sm">

<span class="u-margin-right--sm">🎤</span>{{ if le $recDate now }}Recorded{{ else

}}Recording{{ end }} {{ dateFormat "January 2, 2006" .Params.recordingDate }}


{{- end }}

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