2019 Goals

2019 goals: Become senior engineer, start #TechQueens podcast, read 30 books, speak at 15+ events, travel to Hawaii & abroad, and publish 5+ articles.

Here are some things I'd like to accomplish by the end of 2019.

Here are some things I’d like to accomplish by the end of 2019.A lot of these are already planned but some are stretch goals!Let’s see what happens - but I’ll remind myself in Todoist to look at this post come December 8th, 2019.

  1. Become a senior software engineer
  2. Start a podcast (#TechQueens)
  3. Read 30+ books
  4. Talk about technology or my career at 15+ events (conferences/Meetups/podcasts/etc.)
  5. Travel to Hawaii and another place I’ve never been (preferably outside the US)
  6. Write 5+ articles that get published outside of my personal website (Medium publication, external blog, etc.)
These are more long-term or broad goals.
  1. Be loved and love others 😊
  2. Give a TED talk
  3. Write a book
  4. Become a leader at a tech company (VP Eng, Chief Architect, CTO, CEO, etc.)
  5. Be on the radio
  6. Donate or raise $10K for charity
  7. Be involved in the production of a movie I’d actually watch and enjoy
  8. Record a song
  9. Live in Peru for 6+ months
  10. Have the ability to retire earlier but then decide not to because I’d probably get bored
  11. Be known as an industry wide expert in something
  12. Attend a masquerade ball
  13. Own a doggo
  14. Try out being a teacher
  15. Lead by example and influence a generation of minority women to break into and succeed in tech

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