50 Lines For 50 Crimes

Poem for a friend: From fishing to surfing, parties to exploring galaxies, here's to adventures with you, buddy. 50 lines for 50 memories—breathe for us.

A poem I wrote for a good friend.

This is a poem I wrote for a friend of mine as a sort of reminiscent(?) act for her.
For privacy, I’ve replaced her name with the word “buddy”.
  1. I know, I know, this is your natural reaction.
  2. Maybe to help calm your nerves, we can go fishing.
  3. And then you can go hiking in the forest.
  4. While I dance to the tune of life’s bittersweet symphony.
  5. So you wonder to yourself: should I go chasing or kiting?
  6. You decide to avoid either, and instead decide to try out surfing.
  7. Where would one be after all, without the wonderful sea?
  8. Personally, I’d prefer exploring the galaxies.
  9. Deciding to outdo me, you take to parties.
  10. How lively you seem to be, buddy, at these formal parties.
  11. These lovely, silly parties.
  12. But it seems you’ve become the waitress.
  13. I suppose it’s ideal you’re ageless, otherwise the only feeling indeed you’d be feeling for me is a sort of hatred.
  14. I guess I can try my hand at scaring little babies.
  15. All I’ve got to do is repeat the number 50.
  16. Scaring 50 little babies.
  17. I kid of course, if love is what you desire, I care not to inquire.
  18. Just remember to calm the fire, or it dare burn brighter and brighter, consuming all that ever once transpired.
  19. Besides I’d much rather have my own private jet.
  20. Ignoring my reply, you turn to yourself.
  21. Never let yourself down, that’s what the mind is for.
  22. So take all the jewels you own, for soon we will end up being ninety.
  23. Take them, take them all.
  24. What is the purpose you ask, of this bloated charade?
  25. Have I no refuge, is there no ending to this stupid game?
  26. This time, I turn to myself, and I say.
  27. I say.
  28. I say absolutely nothing at all.
  29. There’s just a smile with a nod.
  30. The game after all has just begun.
  31. You want to throw up after the cliche, ease the growing pain.
  32. Don’t fight it, don’t.", I say.
  33. Don’t fight it, you say?", you say.
  34. No.
  35. For if you do, the pain will never go away.
  36. One must after all cleanse the body to cleanse the brain.
  37. You think you know everything, do you - you might as well study tooth decay!
  38. You have a point, dear buddy of mine, but as I’ve mentioned before, I’d rather be exploring on my private jet the vastly multiple planets of our vastly wonderful Milky Way!
  39. At this point, I’ve come to understand finally the entire reasoning behind this short lived school day.
  40. I’ve come to comfort a friend, help her out in any way.
  41. 50 lines for 50 crimes.
  42. Buddy, can you read between the lines?
  43. But the point is, silly, that wherever I decide to go, I’ll be venturing along with you in my imagination too.
  44. I know, I know, this is your natural reaction.
  45. But just relax and instead…. breathe.
  46. Breathe for the birds and bees.
  47. Breathe for him (if you must).
  48. Breathe for friendship.
  49. But breathe.
  50. 50 lines for 50 crimes…

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